Types of Teeth Cleanings Available At Rippe Dental Associates In Centennial, CO

Types of Teeth Cleanings Available At Rippe Dental Associates In Centennial, CO

Types of Teeth Cleanings Available At Rippe Dental Associates In Centennial, CO


It is crucial to see a general dentist bi-annually for a thorough dental examination and professional teeth cleaning. Even if you have a strong preventative dentistry regimen in place, it is necessary to regularly see a dentist to keep those hard to reach places clean and check for early signs of gum and dental diseases.


Why is it Crucial to Maintain Healthy and Clean Teeth?

The health of your mouth plays a large role in your overall health! According to the Mayo Clinic, the overgrowth of certain oral bacteria has been linked to the development of endocarditis, cardiovascular disease, pneumonia, pregnancy complications and other health conditions. Not keeping up with teeth cleanings or dental appointments can also result in the need for expensive dental treatments to restore the functionality and look of your teeth. Cigna Health estimates that patients who practice preventive dentistry can see a 31% decrease in their dental expenses over five years. Preventive density focuses on preventing dental issues before they occur and is the best way to save money on dental care and stay healthy! 

Types of Dental Cleanings Available in Centennial, CO

There are four types of dental cleanings available at most dental clinics, including Rippe Dental Associates in Centennial, CO! Below is more information about each one of these dental cleanings: 

Prophylaxis Cleaning

Prophylaxis cleanings are the preventative dental cleanings that everyone should schedule bi-annulally to maintain good oral health. This type of cleaning involves having x-rays taken of your teeth, removing any plaque and tartar build up on the teeth, and having your teeth and mouth examined by a dental professional. During this type of cleaning your dentist will also go over ways you can improve your dental health and recommend follow up treatments or cleanings.

Scaling And Root Planning

To alleviate gum infections, like gingivitis and periodontitis, scaling and root planing are cleanings performed to the teeth and gums. Scaling involves removing plaque and tartar that has developed beneath the gum line and on the teeth’s surface to help decrease gum inflammation, while root planing flattens the tooth’s roots to help the gums reattach to the teeth.


Patients who haven't visited a dentist in over a year or have developed a buildup of hardened plaque on their teeth, often need debridement cleanings before a dentist can perform an examination. Debridement involves carefully removing all the plaque that has accumulated on the teeth and gums using a piezoelectric scaler, or dental tool that vibrates while spraying water.

Periodontal Maintenance

Periodontal maintenance involves scaling, root planing and debridement of patients with serious dental health issues. This type of cleaning involves cleaning the teeth down to the roots and irrigating the gum pockets to reduce inflammation and prevent infection. This type of cleaning is often prescribed until an oral health issue has been satisfactorily addressed and the signs of gum diseases have been effectively managed.

Schedule Your Next Teeth Cleaning

When was the last time you had your teeth professionally cleaned? If your last dental exam was more than six months ago, then it is time to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rippe. Rippe Dental Associates is one of the top dental clinics in Centennial, CO and will help you pave a pathway toward outstanding oral health. Contact us today at (303) 779-9876 or check out our website for more information about our dental services!