Tooth Stains and How To Prevent Them

Tooth Stains and How To Prevent Them

Tooth Stains and How To Prevent Them


Yes, there are ways to remove or cover up unsightly stains on your teeth. Cosmetic and restorative dentistry has come a long way, but dentists will also stress the fact that some simple lifestyle changes can prevent the need for expensive treatments to get rid of extrinsic staining, the kind that appears on our tooth enamel and is caused by the foods and drinks that we consume and some of the personal habits that we practice.

Tooth enamel is strong enough to protect the inner layers of our teeth for a lifetime - if we take care of it. But tooth enamel is a porous substance as well which means that it will soak up whatever it comes in contact with, including any stain producing by products in the foods that we eat. The longer the exposure continues the deeper the discoloration will be.

So what are those foods that stain our teeth? Any foods or drinks that are dark in color or high in acid content are most likely to produce stains on our teeth. Balsamic vinegar for instance, is the base ingredient in many of the salad dressings that we enjoy. It is both dark and acidic which constitutes a double whammy.

The news isn’t all bad, there are some steps that you can take to reduce staining. Brushing and flossing and rinsing with water after your meal can minimize the damage and there are some foods that can actually counteract it.

Schedule an appointment with Rippe Dental Associates for an evaluation of your oral health plan. Call today @ 303-779-9876.