Take Good Care Of Your New Denture

Take Good Care Of Your New Denture

Take Good Care Of Your New Denture


Dentures are still one of the most popular choices for tooth replacement, especially for people who have suffered significant bone loss and may not be a good candidate for dental implants.  There are definite benefits to consider. 

Denture wearers like the fact that they can remove the appliance at bedtime and for cleaning purposes.  Modern technology has allowed for dentures to be made to fit better than ever before and the materials used make the teeth look so real.   A well fitted, naturally colored denture can  restore your self confidence to smile again and let your true personality shine through.  You’ll be able to speak clearly and eat the foods that you thought you had given up forever.  Some of those foods may even  restore the nutrition that your body has been lacking.

Along with the advantages however, come certain concerns.  When your denture is out of your mouth for instance, it is vulnerable to accidental breakage - handle carefully!   Don’t use an abrasive toothpaste to clean your denture, there are many products made specifically for denture care.  Brush gently with a soft bristle toothbrush and always rinse your denture after eating.  If a denture is left out in the open air it can become dry and lose its shape.  When you’re not wearing your denture leave it to soak in water.

Let  Rippe Dental Associates help you get your smile back, call 303-779-9876 today to arrange for a consultation.