Strive To Protect Your Tooth Enamel

Strive To Protect Your Tooth Enamel

Strive To Protect Your Tooth Enamel


Tooth enamel is the strongest element in your body. Its strength enables it to act as a shield for the protection of the weaker layers of your tooth that lie beneath the surface. Tooth enamel however, is not made up of living cells so it cannot reproduce itself, damage can only be repaired with dental construction. The only way to preserve your tooth enamel is to avoid the things that threaten it.

Foods and drinks that are highly acidic or high in sugar content can over time, begin to erode tooth enamel. Fruit juices, carbonated beverages and some energy drinks are included in this category.

The constant flow of saliva keeps your mouth from drying out and helps to wash away any food debris that may get caught between the teeth. The natural process of chewing sustains the flow and can also serve to increase it if need be. Crispy raw vegetables and sugar free chewing gum are both good stimulants.

Plaque is a sticky bacterial substance that forms a film over your teeth. It is produced in part by the foods that we eat so it can’t be totally avoided, but it must be brushed away every day to prevent it from hardening into tartar which can only be removed by a dental hygienist. Plaque and tartar contribute to the erosion of your tooth enamel.

Rippe Dental Associates is focused on your family’s dental needs. Call for a consult @303-779-9876.