Root Canals
Preserving Infected Teeth and Relieving Toothaches in Centennial, CO

An acute toothache can cause intense pain that interferes with your ability to work, follow through with commitments, and participate in social activities. Root canal therapy, despite its notorious reputation, relieves the pressure within a tooth. By alleviating the pressure, pain is resolved, as well. If you have an internally infected tooth, no other treatment will save the tooth from extraction. Root canal therapy is necessary, and it will bring relief.
Have you been diagnosed as needing root canal treatment? Are you suffering from a toothache that will not subside? Schedule an examination with Dr. Christian Rippe in our Centennial, CO dental office. He will assess your mouth and the problematic tooth, look at your x-rays, and diagnose the cause of your pain. He can then present treatment options.
Why Does It Hurt So Bad?
Teeth are coated with enamel, an extremely durable substance. Beneath the enamel is a layer of sensitive, porous dentin. At the center of a tooth is a space that holds the tooth’s nerve and connective tissues, collectively called the pulp. The space at the core of the tooth branches into canals through which the tooth’s nerve and blood vessels extend into the jaw.
When the core of a tooth becomes infiltrated by bacteria, infection develops in the pulp. Bacteria may enter a tooth via a deep cavity, chip, or crack. Once infected, the pulp will not heal naturally. As infection grows, stress increases on the tooth’s nerve. This causes various types of pain, ranging from moderate to intense. Some patients experience more pain when biting or chewing. Others have constant discomfort.
Can an Internally Infected Tooth Be Saved?
In some cases, yes, but only with root canal therapy. If the infection is not treated in time, the tooth will die and require extraction. However, if the tooth is salvageable, Dr. Rippe will advise root canal therapy, and he performs most root canal procedures in our office – so you won’t have to go to an endodontist.
To prepare for a root canal, the first step is to make you comfortable. Dr. Rippe will administer local anesthetic and, if you feel anxious or fearful, he may also recommend sedation. Next, the dentist will create an entry point through which he can remove infected tissue from the tooth’s core and canals. Tiny tools, called microtools, allow Dr. Rippe to thoroughly clean the tiniest of canals. A rubbery substance called gutta percha will be inserted into the tooth to fill the canals and core. To complete treatment, a dental crown will be secured to the tooth.
A root canal can often be completed in one visit, though some cases require two appointments. Following the procedure, you may experience some tenderness for a few days. Take an NSAID as per the directions to resolve discomfort and swelling. Avoid chewing on the side of your mouth that treatment was administered, until soreness subsides.
Don’t Delay – Schedule Your Exam Today!
The diagnosis of an internally infected tooth should not be taken lightly. If you’d like a second opinion, please call our Centennial, CO dental office at 303-779-9876. Schedule your appointment with Dr. Rippe, and he will provide you with his expert opinion regarding treatment for your toothache. If you do need a root canal, do not delay or your condition will only worsen. Our office is located near DTC and easily accessible to patients in Englewood and Greenwood Village, and we are accepting new patients.