Rippe Dental Associates: Top Porcelain Crown Provider Near Parker, CO

Rippe Dental Associates: Top Porcelain Crown Provider Near Parker, CO

Rippe Dental Associates: Top Porcelain Crown Provider Near Parker, CO


Do you have a cracked or chipped tooth? Neglecting this type of dental issue can lead to future pain, infection, and a costly dental bill. One of the best things you can do when you crack or chip a tooth is contact a local dentist to restore it immediately! Depending on the severity of the damage, your dentist will either recommend a dental crown or filling. 

Rippe Dental Associates located near Parker, CO offers porcelain dental crowns and prioritizes patient safety, comfort, and satisfaction. Our dental clinic comes highly recommended by Parker residents and our dentists are trained in multiple areas of dentistry, including general, implant, cosmetic, and family dentistry. 

What is A Porcelain Crown?

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps that cover the entire visible portion of a damaged or decayed tooth, restoring its shape, strength, and functionality. Among the various types of dental crowns available, porcelain crowns are one of the most popular choices due the strength of ceramic and its ability to closely resemble a patient’s natural teeth. 

Unlike metal crowns, porcelain crowns are ideal for use on the front teeth because they provide a more natural-looking solution and can contribute to a beautiful, healthy smile. 

Cosmetic and Restorative Benefits of Porcelain Crowns 

The primary purpose of a dental crown is to restore the appearance and functionality of a patient’s damaged tooth. Below are the top cosmetic and restorative benefits of using porcelain crowns: 

Natural Look

Porcelain crowns mimic the natural translucency and texture of our teeth, making them an ideal choice for a natural-looking restoration. To ensure the porcelain crown is indistinguishable, Dr. Rippe will color-matched it to the patient's natural teeth.

Natural Feeling

In addition to offering a natural appearance, porcelain crowns also provide a natural feel to the tongue and inside the mouth. Unlike metal crowns, porcelain crowns also have a thermal conductivity similar to that of natural teeth, meaning they are not sensitive to temperature changes.

Resistant to Staining

Porcelain crowns are typically resistant to staining and discoloration since ceramic is non-porous and doesn't absorb pigments from food or drinks. However, it's important to note that regular oral hygiene habits such as brushing, flossing, and routine dental cleanings are still essential to maintaining the overall health and appearance of your teeth, including your porcelain crown. 

Safe and Strong

Porcelain crowns are also highly durable and can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. Additionally, porcelain is a biocompatible material, which means that it is safe for use in the mouth and is unlikely to cause adverse reactions or allergies.

Choose Rippe Dental Associates For Your Porcelain Crowns 

Rippe Dental Associates is one of the leading dental clinics near Parker, CO and offers porcelain crowns to ensure a patient's dental work not only looks great, but also feels comfortable and natural. Call us today at (303) 779-9876 or visit our website for more information about our dental team!