Preserve The Strength Of Your Tooth Enamel

Preserve The Strength Of Your Tooth Enamel

Preserve The Strength Of Your Tooth Enamel


Decay is a major cause of premature tooth loss. It begins when a film of bacterial plaque is allowed to build upon the surface of the teeth ultimately causing the deterioration of the outer layer of protective tooth enamel. When this happens the infectious bacteria are free to attack the inner part of the tooth where the nerve center lies. The pain from this invasion may be the first noticeable symptom of tooth decay.

The only way to avoid plaque buildup is by combining a healthy routine of home care with regularly scheduled professional dental checkups. Home care should include brushing, flossing and eating a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D. Sugary drinks and excessive snacking will increase your chances of getting a cavity. “Diet” sodas are no better than regular since they also contain the acids that can damage tooth enamel.

Gum disease is a leading factor for tooth loss in older adults if it is not treated in the early stage when symptoms are hard to recognize unless you’re looking out for them. If you notice that your gums bleed after brushing or if they seem swollen or unusually sensitive you may be experiencing the signs of gingivitis. Consult with your dentist asap.

You can expect to experience the highest level of individual patient care and first-rate technology at Rippe Dental Associates in Centennial, CO. Call today @ 303-779-9876.