Look For The ADA Seal Of Approval

Look For The ADA Seal Of Approval

Look For The ADA Seal Of Approval


If you’ve been shopping the dental care aisle in your local retail store you no doubt have noticed an increase in the products that are on display there. You have a multitude of choices ranging from flavored dental floss to electronic toothbrushes that light up and let you know when you have been brushing for the recommended two full minutes - a great innovation by the way.

But what do you really NEED in order to do the best that you can in an effort to maintain your good oral health? Brushing and flossing are a given. You have to remove the plaque that forms on your teeth every day, it’s full of bacteria that can cause tooth decay. Your toothbrush can efficiently clean the outer surface of your teeth but you have to follow that up with flossing to get in between the teeth where your brush cannot reach.

The American Dental Association requires that a toothpaste live up to certain standards in order to earn their Seal of Approval, the principal one being that the product contains fluoride. Fluoride has been proven to be a significant weapon in the war against both childhood and adult tooth decay, so much so that it has been added to many municipal drinking water supplies since the 1940’s.

Ask about dental products that may be specific to your particular needs during your next appointment with Rippe Dental Associates in Centennial, CO. Call today @ 303-779-9876.