Know What To Anticipate

Know What To Anticipate

Know What To Anticipate


If you’re scheduled for an oral surgical procedure your dentist will want to arrange a pre op consultation with you.  At this time he will explain to you in detail just what to expect the day of the surgery.  He will also give you a list of any particular instructions to follow in preparation for the appointment.

The consult is for your benefit, so that you will feel completely confident about the procedure well before it begins.  The dentist will go over everything with you and answer any questions that you may have.  It might be helpful to write down what you want to ask about before the meeting with your dentist so that you don’t forget something important.

What are the options for anesthetic?  Ask your dentist to explain how each one could affect you and how long the effects could linger.  He will have studied your medical history and can offer an experienced professional opinion.

You may need to make arrangements for time off from work and transportation to and from the dentist’s office.  How long will it be before you can get back to your normal daily routine?  Your workplace will appreciate knowing how much time you will need to be away.

What if any risks are involved with the surgery?  Knowing what the side effects could be and how to avoid them will help insure that the process goes smoothly

Rippe Dental Associates in Centennial, CO wants patients to be aware of all the information associated with any dental procedure that they may be contemplating.  Call the office @ 303-779-9876 to consult with Drs. Rippe or Belongea.