Know How To Protect Your Teeth

Know How To Protect Your Teeth

Know How To Protect Your Teeth


Most children look forward to losing their baby teeth. It’s a natural phenomenon that often becomes a friendly competition as to who among their peers will lose the first tooth and when it will happen. It’s a whole other story however, when it comes to our permanent teeth.

In a perfect world our permanent teeth would last a lifetime, that’s what they’re meant to do. The reality is that our teeth can be damaged over time either by injury, tooth decay or gum disease. There are things that we can do to improve the odds of keeping our natural teeth well into our golden years.

First and of foremost importance is a devotion to home and professional care. Brushing and flossing on a daily basis using a fluoride toothpaste and the appropriate tools are good first steps, but home care must be followed up by regular visits with a dentist and professional dental hygienist.

Accidents can’t always be prevented that’s why we call them accidents, but we can use the tools that are at our disposal in an attempt to reduce the chances of serious trauma. We are a health conscious society and concentrated on getting proper exercise which can sometimes result in injury. By taking the precaution of wearing a proper mouth-guard when we participate in physical activities we can avoid a lot of potential oral injuries.

Rippe Dental Associates is dedicated to providing their patient with important information about preventive methods. Ask about any specific concerns that you may have at your next appointment.