Dental Phobia Is A Legitimate Concern

Dental Phobia Is A Legitimate Concern

Dental Phobia Is A Legitimate Concern


A phobia is different from anxiety in that a phobia can be life altering and in some cases life threatening.  Dental phobia is a reality and can be detrimental in various ways to those who suffer from it.  The phobia is defined by an unreasonable fear that is so overwhelming that it can keep the sufferer from seeking the professional attention that is essential to his or her dental health.  

The more obvious consequence of dental phobia is that the person affected will go without getting the necessary preventive measures or imperative treatments that would benefit his dental health, but there are social ramifications to consider as well.

Without regular checkups and cleanings our teeth would soon begin to show the signs of neglect.  They may become discolored or be damaged by cracks or chips that have gone untended.  It is only human nature to be affected by the way we perceive how others see us so that an unattractive smile can definitely affect not only our social life but the way we are able to communicate in the workplace.

The probability of eventually having to undergo a dental procedure in your life is high.  If you know or even suspect that your feelings about going to the appointment are unfounded let your dentist know.  He is aware of the apprehension that is associated with dental phobia and may be able to suggest ways to make the procedure easier for you to deal with.

The doctors and staff at Rippe Dental Associates will instill a level of confidence to make every patient feel more at ease.  Call 303-779-9876 for your appointment.