Dental Implants 101: How To Prepare For Dental Implant Surgery in Englewood, CO

Dental Implants 101: How To Prepare For Dental Implant Surgery in Englewood, CO

Dental Implants 101: How To Prepare For Dental Implant Surgery in Englewood, CO


Did you recently lose an adult tooth or have a severely decayed molar? Adult teeth never grow back, but a dentist can help you fill this space and perfect your smile through implant dentistry. Dr. Rippe at Rippe Dental Associates near Englewood, CO is one of the top implant dentistry providers in the area and wants to help you feel confident smiling again. 


Rippe Dental Associates is an award-winning dental clinic in Centennial, CO that offers everything from family dentistry to implant dentistry. Our dentists and clinical team are passionate about helping people learn how to improve their oral and dental health! We created this guide to make dental implant surgery easy to understand and give you tips on how to ensure a speedy recovery.

What is a Dental Implant?

Dental implants are used to replace missing or infected teeth while helping maintain and strengthen the patient's jaw structure and functionality. A dental implant can best be described as a metal rod topped with a composite tooth. The rod of a dental implant acts as a replacement tooth root and is placed into the jawbone so the surrounding teeth are not affected. The composite tooth on top of this rod is made to match your teeth’s natural coloring and shape so it is undetectable when you smile and talk. While dental implants are a great tool for fixing missing teeth, they are surgically inserted into the jawbone beneath the gum line so you do need a strong jaw and healthy gums to receive this treatment. 

Precautions & Preparing For Dental Implants

During your dental implant consultation, your dentist will walk you through the procedure and what to expect after based on your specific circumstance. While your dentist will provide aftercare instructions, the following list of precautions and preparation steps will help your dental implant surgery go smoothly:

Ask Your Dentist Questions

The more knowledge you have about the procedure, the more prepared and confident  you will feel in your decision to undergo dental implant surgery. Knowing how the operation will go and the estimated recovery time will also help you prepare for the recovery stage. Additionally, don’t be afraid to ask your dentist specific questions about your particular case and address any apprehensions you might have.

Purchase a Lot of Soft Drinks and Food

After the surgery, you will need to rest so it is best to stock up on foods and drinks that are soft and easy to consume beforehand. It is important to stay well hydrated and nourished following the surgery so your body has the energy needed to recover. Following dental implant surgery, it is recommended to eat smoothies, pudding, applesauce, mashed potatoes, soup, and other soft foods or liquids.

Prepare to Take Time Off to Recovery

In order for your body to recover and heal from the surgery, it is recommended to rest for three to five days and slowly ease back into your normal schedule. It’s better to proceed with caution and skip work and other commitments until you are feeling better.

Get Enough Sleep the Night Before Surgery

Before your surgery, get a full night’s sleep to reduce anxiety and help your body begin the healing process. Dental implant surgery is highly safe and simple, but it puts the body under stress like any other medical operation. 

Schedule a Dental Implant Consultation Today

Through implant dentistry, Rippe Dental Associates has helped many people restore their self-esteem and improve their smiles. Dr. Rippe is one of the best implant dentists in the area and wants to help you feel confident smiling again. Contact us today at (303) 779-9876 or visit our website for more information about our services!