Cosmetic Dental Bonding
Whiter, Straighter, More Attractive Teeth in Centennial, CO
If you think cosmetic dentistry is outside your budget, you may be wrong. Dr. Christian Rippe offers a full suite of cosmetic treatments, including cosmetic bonding. With the same tooth-colored resin that we use for white dental fillings, Dr. Rippe can correct many dental flaws. Bonding will close spaces between teeth, correct the appearance of misaligned or misshapen teeth, or whiten stained teeth. In just one appointment, your cosmetic dental imperfections can be erased forever!
To improve your smile’s appearance, call cosmetic dentist Dr. Christian Rippe in Centennial, CO at 303-779-9876 and schedule an appointment. Dr. Rippe will examine your teeth, talk with you about your concerns, then prescribe the treatment that will best suit your goals, timeframe, lifestyle, and budget.
About Cosmetic Bonding
Bonding can accomplish the same effects as porcelain veneers, but in a different way. Instead of covering the entire front surface of a tooth with a ceramic restoration, cosmetic bonding adds structure to a tooth to make it longer, wider, or to repair a chip. Applied in a thin layer, bonding can whiten a tooth. The benefits of bonding are that it can be accomplished, start to finish, in just one appointment, and it’s a fraction of the price of veneers.
However, bonding will last five to seven years, on average, and veneers can last 20 years or longer. Composite resin is simply not as durable as dental porcelains. Also, when the full surface of a tooth is not bonded, natural tooth enamel can discolor with time, making the bonded area stand out from the rest of the tooth. To remedy this, you can undergo professional teeth whitening when your enamel darkens.
Best Cases for Bonding
When a child chips a primary tooth or
Bonding suits adults, as well, particularly those who plan to invest in porcelain veneers later in life. Because it’s affordable, bonding may allow a patient to “test drive” a smile makeover before investing in permanent porcelain veneers. The treatment is also ideal for patients who cannot afford veneers but are willing to keep up with the cost of bonding replacement, as necessary.
Dental contouring is often paired with bonding to accomplish desired results. While bonding adds structure to a tooth, contouring removes
Do You Need Bonding?
Call our cosmetic dentist’s office in Centennial, CO today to schedule a cosmetic consultation with Dr. Rippe. He will take time to talk